what is Bitcoin And Bitcoin banned in India and not accept dealing in 'cryptocurrencies'.


India Bans dealing in "cryptocurrencies".

In addition to denying regulated institutions services to any person or business in digital currencies, India has banned bitcoin with the Reserve Bank.
Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor BP Kanungo has said in the media conference that the central bank has given regulated institutions the right to open their status for three months with institutions like banks related to cryptoculture. However, the regulator decided that it would promote the use of block-chain - a public account holder, which is financial services to strengthen the transparency of the backbone of the bitcoin and increase the correction.
In order to take precautions while dealing with cryptoconcunctions, the Central Bank moves in public after at least three warnings.
If they (cryptouter) go beyond a significant size then they can risk financial sustainability BP Kanungo, the deputy governor of RBI. Due to this move, the governments around the world are investigating virtual currencies due to their irregular nature. Increasing the value of Bidcoin, the most popular cryptourrencity, expressed concern that under such kind of postures, everything from money laundering to tax evasion and fraud could be easy.

Since reaching a peak of about $ 20,000 in early December of last year, with the increase in the deficit since the beginning of 2018, Bitcoin and rival cryptokukrands have been pulled down in a series of restrictions. China, after becoming a global center for cryptocarjage trading, is now programming them illegally. Japan and South Korea have also implemented several rules.

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Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had already said that the Indian government does not consider cryptokuranx as a legal tender and using them will take all measures to end the payment.
RBI said that it will shortly issue detailed guidelines in a circular.
India is not completely giving up on the idea of ​​a virtual currency. Along with the central banks around the world, the RBI is also planning to launch a fatty digital currency. "These are issued by the central bank and the central bank's liability is considered," said Kanungo. "They will be in circulation in addition to the paper currency that we have, promise to reduce the cost of printing notes."
Accordingly, the Reserve Bank of India has constituted an endocrine committee which will submit a report on the feasibility of the fatty digital currency. The committee will present its report by June-end.


The move has a “demonetisation” like effect on cryptocurrencies, according to Vishal Gupta, co-founder of the Digital Assets and Blockchain Foundation of India. “That effectively means people lose ability to conduct any trade or exchange, at least in the open market,” he told BloombergQuint in an interview.
These have become dead assets for people who are holding onto them. This is going to have huge repercussions. If you disallow trading there is no exit to this.
 There is 2 news articular on #Bitcoin movement in India. 1st: If bank or wallets will not entertain $BTC then all market will grow Underground. If so then how Govt can fight corruption and black money? 2nd: If bitcoin ban in India then other country will gain.

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