Concept of Management and Career in Business Management

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       Concept of Management:-

Management is the art of getting things done through others. Manage ment is essential for every type of organisation. Both business or non-business, big or small organisation need management to achieve their goals. Management is process which includes a number of functions required for organising the activities properly. The organisation have grown successfully with proper  management. Few examples are:

1). Microsoft of USA become a famous IT company in the world and was successfully managed by      Bill Gates.

2). Narain Murthy of India promoted and managed Infosys and made it q most successful IT company.

3). Steve Jobs promoted Apples Industry in USA and it captured world market for  mobile sets.


•Management is goal oriented process:- The aim of the management is to achieve organisational objective. All the effects of the managers will be directed to reach the goals. The work  and activities doing by employees will helps in achieving the business goals.

• Management is Pervasive:- Mangement is a universal phenomenon. The use of management is not restricted to firm only, it is applicable to profit- making, non-profit making, non-business organisation as well, such as schools, colleges, hospitals, clubs, etc. Management concept is used in all countries of the world like India, USA, U.K. etc

• Management is a continuous process:- Management is a continuous or never ending function. All the functions of management are performed continuously. The function of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling are carried out by all the manager all time. And it also a group activities.


• Help in Achieving Business Goals:- Management helps individual in the organisation to achieve business goal by directing their energies in that direction. It brings human and materials resources together and mobilies them to helps in achieve goals.
• Management Improved Efficiency:- Management plans to use various resources in such ways that wastages are minimised and productivity is improved.The efficiency and effectiveness is achieved through various managerial function.

• Management Brings Harmony in work:- The employees in the organization comes from different sections of society, with varied social backgrounds and different styles of work. If every employees work in his own way then there will be a chaos in the organization.   The harmony will helps in creating good working environment in the organization.


Every management, irrespective of the nature, types and size of the organization, has to perform the following the diagram of managerial function.

Management offering various scoping courses for better  careers. 


• Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA - Advertising & Marketing
BBA - Banking & Finance
BBA - Insurance & Risk Management
BBA - Tourism & Event Management

• Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA - HR | Finance | Marketing | IT
MBA - International Business
MBA - Agri- Business
MBA - Tourism & Hospitality

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