5 common operating system

5 Common operating system

          (1). Microsoft Windows


Microsoft Windows operating system was developed by Microsoft to overcome the limitation of its own DOS operating system. Windows belongs to the category of software called Graphical User Interface (GUI). The user interface determines how you interact with your computer with the advent of Windows many of everyday computer task such as running programs, opening files, choosing commands etc are done using a graphical approach that is very intuitive to new users of computer.

Windows 95 and Windows 98:


Windows 95 was the first version of Windows after windows 3:1 which introduced features such as plugs and play and windows 98 was revision of windows 95 with some additional features such as bug fixes, better hardware support. Plug and play feature means the ability of a computer to automatically configure a new hardware added to 

 Window NT/2000/2003:


Microsoft Windows NT is multiuser, time sharing operating system developed by Microsoft. It was developed to have features like Unix operating system so  that it can be used for powerful workstations, networks and database server. Window 2000 and Window 2003 are better version of Window NT which work well both at home and business. It enhanced the features of windows  NT.

(2). Unix:


Unix was the first operating system written in high level language and was developed in the early 1970 at Bell Laboratories, USA. It is a multiuser, timesharing operating system. It is mostly used on mainframes, workstations, servers   rather than on PCs. It is a proprietary multitasking system. It is an important operating system and runs as the backbone of the internet. It can be difficult to learn.

•Windows XP:


It came in both Home and professional Edition Windows XP Home Edition is for home users where as Windows XP  Business Edition is for businesses of all types. It has improved stabili and hardware support. It is used for users who need to use more internet, get mail and also wants to use word processing features.

• Windows Vista:


It is newest version of Windows operating system. It can be used to explore features like searching, finding things fast on the internet and managing your files in a better way on your computer.

(3). Linux:


Linux is an open-source operating system enhanced and backed by thousand of programmers worldwide. It is a multi-tasking operating system which was designed to be used on     personal computer. It was developed in 1991 when programmer Linux Trovalds wrote the first version of Unix-like operating system and posted it free on the Internet. It is free version of Unix. It is open source software meaning any programmer can load it from the internet and modify it. It is better suited to run applications.

(4). BOSS(Bharat Operating System Solution)


Bharat Operating System Solution 

GNU/Linus is an Indian distribution of GNU/linux based on the Debian. It us a free/open source software available throughout India. It has the Linx Operating System Kernel, office application software suite Bharateeyaoo, Internet access software and fil sharing multimedia applications. It is a important software.  Bharateeya open office BhartaiOO is a useful application for performing many task like wordprocessing, spreadsheet etc. It is platform independent i.e., open office can work on Windows and Linux. It is available in almost all the Indian languages and allows non English literate users in the country to use the computer efficiently.

(5). Solaris:


Solaris is a Unix based operating system introduction by Sun Microsystem in 1992. It was previously a proprietary software which is supported on system manufactured by all major server vendor and now majority of its code is open source software via Open Salaris project. It is used to support various workstation and servers form sun and other vendors.

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